Other Stuff!

Hi! Welcome to my "other stuff" page!! This is a page where I put stuff that I couldn't find another place for, and bits of useless info!!! 3:o)

For Christmas '98 one of the things I wanted was a lava lamp. I didn't get a real one, but look at these cool graphics!! 3:o)

lava.gif (27122 bytes)lavalampblue.gif (31351 bytes)lavalampred.gif (26636 bytes)

This is a Christmas shadowbox graphic I made in PaintShop Pro. Vikimouse from the MousePad had instructions on how to make it, so I made it!  There is a big graphic project called Happy Everything, vikimouse has a graphic lesson that celebrates all the holidays in that month!3:o)

christmas shadowbox!.gif (3017 bytes)

Here is the graphic we made in January for February 3:o) the ground-hog is for Ground Hog Day, the American flag is for President's Day, the hearts are for Valentines day and the African rag doll is for Black History Month, which is February 3:o)!

February Shadowbox!.gif (2232 bytes)


mouscity2(1).gif (3070 bytes)

startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)I luv star graphics!startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)

startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)startexture.gif (4104 bytes)starroll.gif (5576 bytes)

In case you were wondering (which I am sure you weren't) my favourite font

is Comic Sans MS!

elmoani(1).gif (13099 bytes)DANCE!hobs.gif (6013 bytes)

aliencar.gif (5124 bytes)Beep Beep!!!!

This is my old banner for Esther's Fantastic Homepage!

Esther's Fantastic Homepage Banner!.gif (8947 bytes)

My very favourite sites on the net are:

The Site Fights

The MousePad

Meg's Place


(not in that exact order!)

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